
AccessAbility Solutions provide a range of training solutions.

In the area of support services for people with learning disabilities AAS provides basic training on request on basic ICT skills and social stories

Social Stories

Basic ICT Skills

Our main packages are for schools & local authorities  but we also work with other organisations and companies.  Take a look at these packages we offer which can be tailored-made to suit your requirements in a cost-effective way.

School Support  – aas123 –

primary,secondary, special school assessent ,monitoring and training packages.

What I offer to Local Authorities?

Bespoke support that puts the child at the centre of the assessment. I also provide detailed reports in a timely manner so that information isn’t out of date before it’s sent. I follow up and provide training in any resources recommended. If you have expensive unused equipment I can help you get the most out of it. Consistent and practical help pays dividends and this has impact on your pupil outcomes

Local Authority Support

keeping your Special Educational Needs team up to date with the latest ICT SEN.

What I offer to Schools & Education Sector?

As an ex-LA adviser I know how difficult it is to keep up to date in a specialist field. As most LA advisers are generic and specialist they are often covering more than one role. I have a unique focus and can bring my specialism to bear on your support. Yearly updates could be a cost effective and efficient way of keeping your team into the loop of the best and most up to date assistive technology to improve outcomes for pupils.

Speaking ICT SEN talks and courses on ICT SEN that will benefit your staff team

Bath Spa BA/MA Dyslexia Courses – working with universities to show Assistive Technology can help Dyslexic learners. Been a constant course input for over 16 years to Bath Spa University with articles appearing in periodicals.

Assistive Technology – talks and seminars to help bring the knowledge of how AT can help overcome barriers to learning and recording. Also how communication devices can be used as well as how home voice control devices such as the Echo Dot and Google Home Mini can be used as a mainstream assistive technological tool.

What CPD  I offer ?

Assistive Technology – talks and seminars to help bring the knowledge of how AT can help overcome barriers to learning and recording. Also how communication devices can be used as well as how home voice control devices such as the Echo Dot and Google Home Mini can be used as a mainstream assistive technological tool.

Twilight and INSET on topics as wide ranging as Dyslexia and ICT to Mobile technologies in the classroom. I can offer these sessions at competitive rates at times convenient to you. Use my contact form to reach out to me so I can discuss your requirements in more detail. Click on the link above for more information


 tutoring with NAACE on the new “Computing ” curriculum

As a qualified NAACE PDE Course tutor at l can offer  advice on the computing curriculum and how to integrate your current practice into a cohesive strategy that enables skills and satisfies OFSTED!

Simple Coding  need an introduction to the computer curriculum , then this course is for you. We shall look at simple methods to introduce coding to young children

21st Century digital learning

Green Screen – can increase communication and confidence through the media of back projection and presentation skills. This can do implemented easily in a busy classroom. AAS can do workshops where the process is demonstrated and where skills of getting even the most shy children to respond. This is a creative skills workshop.

Quad Media  – a new term not yet established! What is Quad media? It is the simultaneous development around a common topic using green screen methods to enable schools to hold a creative festival. Schools do not need to be in the same location unless they want to work on a local topic and then the same methods can be used. Distance is no barrier. Ideas can be topical, ethical or creative such as making your own tv programme to go out on YouTube. 21st Digital learning.

Therapeutic &  Behavioural Change for Autism

Interaction through engagement with ICT is using the interest and motivation to provide long term changes in attitude or gaming. For some autistic people entrenchment of ideas is common and is difficult to shift perception by gaining trust through a common activity such as gamiing. Confidence and trust develops leading to small but significant changes of behaviour. From co-operation in a common pursuit to changing attitudes and developing work skills. This a long term process best done on a 1:1 basis over years

In General

To deliver our training at AccessAbility Solutions we  will  using the latest technologies to deliver to you at cost effective prices

In the future we will be looking at webairs and online training as well, which saves you money! For an example please check our video  Mobile technologies: what about Android? 

You could request a free 1:1 consultation/helpline via a video link if you prefer. Please use the contact form to request one – in the message area write ” video consultation”

Would you like to book some training now?

Tablet-Academy-Logo-high-res-Tablet Academy is another collaboration AAS is engaging with. They are one of the foremost providers of ipad training in the UK and are developing a broader  trainer base and we at AAS are happy to be a part of that as one of their ICT SEN trainers in the use of mobile technologies. AAS provide SEN training . In particular, working with the Fonthill Foundation in Brighton on a weekly basis using iPads in Education.
For the Residential Setting AccessAbility Solutions work in residential and care home settings for people with learning disabilities and complex needs. We provide assessment towards purchasing switch access or IT solutions to meet leisure needs. This may require a degree of environmental control but this is not our expertise so would signpost more complicated solutions to other companies. Please contact us as our rates are very competitive and our service places the user at the heart of the solution.

In the workplace

“Do you or your business need to make “reasonable adjustments” to meet the needs of employees?”

Do you have additional needs like Dyslexia, Repetitive Strain Injury or Physical Disability that requires alternative ways to access a computer?”

Then AccessAbility Solutions can help you!

  • Advice on the latest technologies 
  • Individual IT functional assessment
  • Matching reasonable adjustment to the needs of YOUR company

AccessAbility Solutions also works  with InspireAway  to provide courses  available for your staff and company  on diversity and equal opportunities, The courses can be designed to meet the needs of your organisation. This isn’t just for ICT skills but for a more broader understanding of   such legislation as the Mental Capacity Act, Disability Act and the Equal Opportunities Act . You will be helped in finding  ways to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities can be met within the  workplace. This would help your workplace to be more inclusive for all.  Here are a few suggestions for access and inclusion you may not have consideredRSI – Repetitive Strain Injury/ Muscular Dystrophies  – Speech recognition technologies provide a pain free solution in the workspace and are very accurate for adults. For children this will require more detailed assessment and trialling to assess suitability.Alternatives to the  mouse inputs –  there are range of different devices that can be used instead of the traditional mouse shape to access the computer.

Alternative Keyboards – keyboards for the visually impaired which have larger keys to onscreen keyboards :-

Some of these keyboards are free to use . The point is are you aware of the accessibilty options open to you?   Do you know what you can get for FREE that would make a difference to your employees productivity

Productivity Tools are now being incorporated into packages by Microsoft, Google, Apple. Are you aware of them? Are you using them?

Alternative devices – such as the iPad, TabletPc and Android equivalents. Matching the correct solution to the individual user is the role of Myles Pilling, Specialist ICT SEN Consultant. This would be a consultancy role AccessAbility Solutions can perform with your organisation, company, setting.  Contact:

Other aspects are more about the approaches made to people with learning disabilities. Based on current good practice that will empower all staff to have a positive view to disability in order to  “make reasonable adjustments” and consider the needs of the individual with a disability in a 360 degree way our training will ensure that your company and  staff meet the requirements of current legislation .

Contact: Sharon Firth at InspireAway –