

Why do we need an educational database of apps?

The need to have a  tool that maps apps against SEN skills is key in making apps a tool for teaching and learning for pupils with additional needs. The database shows a progression from one skill onto the next skill which puts some bones to the teaching pedagogy that is  needed . You can access the information on the headline link below:-

Apps Mapping Database

  • shows apps based on descriptions, levels of achievement the skills they are encouraging
  • fits the apps into a progression map showing which app encourages which skill
  • find the app you need by filtering for it using the elipse on the database as shown at the bottom of this page

…or if you prefer you can download a searchable Excel sheet  here:-

Apps Mapping Database – Nov’23

Click on the icon below to add YOUR favourite app to this database:-

apps image

We will publish your app and you can access either on the online database or the downaloadable excel file.

To search for a specific topic or app go to “App Mapping Database “and click on the horizontal eplipsys:

Search for an app via filtering on the area marked in red